Why it's Wise to Wait When Starting Solid Foods

As a dietitian and mom to 5 small kids, I work and interact a LOT with families who are interested in - and often confused by - what (and what NOT) to feed their children. To be fair: the first stage of feeding is easy. Pretty much everyone agrees that breastmilk is best for baby...

My $6,000 Grocery Bill

Tax time got me thinking: how much do we spend on groceries a year? I have 5 kids and 2 adults to grocery shop for, so admittedly we're a big household; but, if we were normal (I wish) and anything like the typical middle-class American household, that would be $5,799 per year spent on food - or about 12.4% of income.

What Fish Should You Feed Your Family?

Fish can be a tough sell in some families. The NOAA estimates that Americans only eat about half as much fish as the Dietary Guidelines for Americans recommend. But don't forget about fish (and shellfish) when you're picking powerful protein foods to serve up to your family!

Why I Broke Up with Commercial Pancake Mix

Pancakes and waffles are pretty much sanctioned versions of cookies and cakes that you just happen to eat for breakfast. Commercial mixes are made with a white carb base, tons of salt and then of course we go topping these guys with refined sugar-filled syrup...

Sippy Cup Showdown

As a dietitian and mom to 5 kids age 2 and under, I think I KNOW some of the infant feeding guidelines, but I know I also FEEL some of them.This came to light recently when I was considering the best time to transition my baby quadruplets from the bottle to a cup.

6 Steps for Baby's Self Feeding Success

There's a lot of buzz about feeding babies these days! Some important guidelines have been revised that shed new light on child feeding practices. These will no doubt impact how health practitioners and parents' approach starting solid foods:

Green Machine Mac & Cheese

With baby quadruplets and a 2 year old, we put down a hefty amount of pasta at our house. But as a dietitian I'm also looking for ways to upgrade classic kids' food. This week I'm excited to partner with organicgirl for a giveaway and share my kids' new fav Green Mac & Cheese recipe.

Muffin Tin Mini Mushroom Meatloaf Recipe

Here’s an easy combination food recipe that babies love. It’s not for the earliest eaters but once your baby has mastered individual foods and tried the allergenic foods contained in this recipe a few times and without reaction, your baby is ready for mini mushroom meatloaves!

Can Probiotics Cure Baby Colic?

As parents, we sure do spend a lot of time trying to protect our babies from bacteria. But not all bacteria are bad, and in fact, beneficial bacteria - probiotics - may even play a role in helping to calm a colic-y baby.