Hi and Welcome to The Fortified Family!

I’m Katie Ferraro, Registered Dietitian Nutritionist, infant feeding specialist and mom of 7.

I’m passionate about feeding strong families and making food fun.

So what’s up with this website The Fortified Family?

I created this site to provide busy parents and caregivers with proven tools and simple steps needed to make good food fun and to fuel strong families, starting from baby’s first bites.

As a mom and dietitian, I believe that eating together is an essential part of a strong family’s life...but I also know that good food doesn’t magically appear on the table by itself.

Through my work as a nutrition communications consultant, media spokesperson, published author and most importantly - a mom - I’ve brought together a ton of great info here to help you feed your family in the best way possible.

My specialty area is in infant feeding and baby-led weaning. I design digital products and teach workshops that help parents and caregivers give babies a SAFE start to solid foods using the principles of baby-led weaning. Click the link for more info about baby-led weaning.

In addition to writing and creating digital content and trainings about baby-led weaning, I am an Associate Professor of Nutrition at the University of California San Francisco Graduate School of Nursing and an Assistant Clinical Professor of Nutrition at the University of San Diego Hahn School of Nursing and Health Science. I am a Lecturer in the Exercise and Nutrition Science program at San Diego State University and I have authored a number of textbooks and chapters on clinical and infant nutrition.

At home my life is also all about feeding babies and toddlers. My husband Charlie and I have 7 small children: a singleton (Miss Molly), 3-year old quadruplets (Charlie, Claire, Henry and Dillon) and baby twins (Gus and Hannah). If you want to check their antics out, our family instagram page is @fourtifiedfam. For baby-led weaning pictures and videos and video tips, check out my BLW instagram @babyledweanteam.

If you’re looking for info on giving your baby a safe start to solid foods - and other tips on fueling a healthy family - the Fortified Family will give you strength and support to reassure you that you are not alone in trying to feed your family!

All children deserve the right to enjoy wholesome, healthy foods that taste good and are eaten in the company of the people who love them the most. Your home cooking doesn’t have to be pretty...it doesn’t have to be perfect...but you can make it a priority, and maybe even have some fun in the kitchen too!

  • Are you looking for tips and tricks to get your baby to start solid foods safely?

  • Are you interested in baby-led weaning but don’t really know if it’s the right fit for you?

  • Do you or an older kid struggle with picky eating and want to prevent that in your baby?

Well, then jump right in with the Fortified Family. Have a look around for some great information on fueling your family. Click the link for more information about baby-led weaning and my approach to starting solids.

Congratulations to you on caring enough to make fueling your family a priority. I’m looking forward to enjoying this journey with you. Bon Appetit! 

Katie Ferraro, MPH, RDN, CDE
Founder, The Fortified Family