Meet Katie

Hi there! I’m Katie Ferraro, Registered Dietitian and mom of 7 specializing in baby-led weaning. I’m a college nutrition professor and I run the largest digital community dedicated to baby-led weaning @babyledweanteam. In 2016 I created the 100 FIRST FOODS approach to baby-led weaning and I host the top-rated parenting podcast BABY-LED WEANING MADE EASY.

If you are feeling apprehensive about starting solids with your baby...maybe you’re scared of gagging and choking or you’re not sure how to introduce the allergenic foods or those trickier textures? Well, I’ve got a TON of feeding tips and resources that will build confidence in your baby’s ability to self-feed and help you both get a SAFE start to solid foods using baby-led weaning.

We struggled immensely when introducing solids to our oldest daughter using traditional parent-led spoon-feeding. Mealtimes were a downright battleground and she hated food and hated being fed. But with my next set of babies (quadruplets!) - teaching those 4 babies to self-feed with baby-led weaning turned everything around and helped return the FUN to family mealtimes. By the time they turned 1, the quadruplets had tried over 100 foods with baby-led weaning, and my 100 FIRST FOODS APPROACH to starting solids with baby-led weaning was born!

Since then our family has expanded by 1 more set of multiples, twins - Gus and Hannah. I created my popular Instagram page @babyledweanteam to chronicle Gus and Hannah’s 100 First Foods with baby-led weaning. Through my courses, workshops, trainings and membership groups, I’ve helped tens of thousands of families give their babies a safe start to solid foods with BLW...and I can’t wait to help you!


Not sure where to start with baby-led weaning?

Each week I teach a free online workshop called BABY-LED WEANING FOR BEGINNERS. It’s all about how to help YOUR baby eat 100 foods before turning one without YOU having to spoon-feed purees or buy pouches.

Everyone on this free workshop gets a copy of my 100 FIRST FOODS list…so you can start pushing your baby’s palate today. Click here to register for this week’s workshop times and I’ll see you there!